Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Running while Asian: The murder of Fong Lee

dig it.

i was wrong. i have no problem admitting when i make a mistake.

debating relative oppression is usually a dead end. you will always wind up shrinking someone else's experience whilst insisting on the centrality of your own experience. I know better. but like a christian in a vegas brothel, i occasionally backslide. humble apologies to any silent reader who might have felt slighted.

which brings us to the shooting of fong lee (H/T TLP @ Afrospear comments), son of immigrants from laos.

on 22 july 2006, police alleged that fong was involved in a drug deal.

so here is how it went down.

officers bum rush some kids alleging dealing drugs. officer shouts at fong and approaches aggressively. fong panics, jumps off his bike and runs. fong is chased by the officers. the officers claim fong was armed. fong was fatally shot. there are grainy inconclusive video images of the chase. no fingerprints or smudges were found on the gun.

"In all, eight bullets entered Lee's body."
"Padden claimed that following the shooting, one of the cops on the scene planted a gun three feet from Lee's left hand. He didn't say who it was, but he thought it too coincidental that the first officer on the scene of the shooting was officer Bruce Johnson. Johnson wrote up the burglary report on this same gun two years earlier."
"Police forensic experts testified that the gun found next to Lee had no traceable fingerprints, smudges or blood on the outside, nor were traces found on the bullets or clip. And while the forensic experts said that wasn't unusual, Padden found that improbable."

nearly three years after the shooting an ALL WHITE JURY cleared the officers of any wrong-doing.

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