Thursday, October 8, 2009

All in a days walk.

Gotcha and another bug is caught.
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The reed bed pond was so calm today the only ripples came from the fish taking air,

These two crickets mating on the reeds

this one is another species of dragon another first time,

This tiny spider seemed to be shadow boxing.

The irigation canal has been very low on water over the last few days. and the minnows are all thriving in what little water they have. the water is due to be let in soon.

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this dragon is another first time seen this year.

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I am sure this is the female purple Gallinule. I saw the male later

Plover are quite common here and usually in pairs.

Could not get a decent photo of this brightly colored insect
It was so small by the time i adjusted the lens it was gone.

good job they are only minnows or this dragon would be fish bait.

Another cricket this one was shot near the wagtails

Just thought you would like to see the male wagtail again. I sure enjoyed my afternoon especially sitting in the culvert with these beauty's around me.

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