Thursday, October 29, 2009

France, the misfortune of africa (translation Luc Banemeck)

France, the misfortune of africa

Moussa Camara Dadis Guinean President was quick to respond (first informally among friends) to embargo the European Union under the leadership of France including the prohibition of residence in the Schengen area and the Freeze of all assets.

"I have no bank account in France , I do not one anywhere other than in Guinea . I did not intend to go to France or Europe for holidays or to look beyond myself. We must work hard to create infrastructure in our countries on an order not even be attempted. That's what I do ... Those former ministers from Guinea , who have accounts in France or elsewhere in Europe are thieves of the old regime ... "

Visa blackmail

This sanction is rather insulting. It is a new type of sanction designed to be applied only to Africa leaders who do not accept the second phase of colonisation of Africa.

Because Africans (especially) in their collective imagination have made Europe their paradise. They go there all the time. Some even want to go there by any means necessary, even to swim at the peril of their life. There they take care of themselves, they keep the money stolen in Africa. The send their children to the top Western schools: Bongo, Idriss Debby, Sassou Nguesso, Obiam Nguema, Paul Biya, Eyadema are all dictators in power for the white masters and their French Ministers. In return they are guaranteed multiple entry visas. To continue this practice, some of these monarchs have even settled their families in France. They belong to what is called the French Pre-square. They are all Freemasons, use the CFA (franc of the French colonies in Africa ) and are members of the Francophonie.

France behaves like a slave master. France has not always kept its commitments with respect to his subjects. One just has to see how they treat African expatriates in France , with or without residency papers. Thus, French speaking Africa is now politically and economically overtaken by all the countries of Africa Anglo-Saxon; even the most poor as Mozambique are politically and economically stronger than the Cameroon for example. Other examples are not lacking. In addition to political transitions and democratic peaceful, English-speaking majority have their own currencies and are masters of their economy. Francophone Africa plays the part  of a big baby who does not prefer to grow up, preferring to grab the nipple of mother France.

Dadis Camara has necessarily committed a blunder by sending the army to massacre his own people. But he is better than the following killers: Bongo, Sassou Nguesso or Idriss Déby. Dadis is a pan-Africanist. He just needs a few classes in French, sociology, Philosophy and political science. France has punished Dadis Camara. But what about the riots in February-March in Cameroon ? What about the bloody suppression of demonstrators anti-Bongo in Gabon ? What about the former President Lansana Conté who depleted and bludgeoned his people?

France , the misfortune of Francophone Africa.

The embargo on the Visa has become the weapon often wielded by France against African leaders who refuse to obey. What would be the impact if Paul Biya, Idriss Deby, and Sassou Nguesso  were not allowed stay in Europe? They who pass the 1/3 of their time in these countries? Why not create the same conditions in his own country so that the embargo on the Visa has no effect?

Support Dadis Camara
Support Robert Mugabe.

tags: france, guinea_conakry, dadis camara, war

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