Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Doctors for Africa

TUESDAY, Oct. 20th, at 4:00pm

                        Committee on African Studies

                Harvard Distinguished African Studies Lecture 

                          "Doctors for Africa: 

         The Challenges of Establishing a Medical University

                 in a Resource Poor Country like Tanzania” 

                        Professor Esther Mwaikambo

 Founder of the Medical School and Former Vice Chancellor 
           of Hubert Kariuki Memorial University in Dar es Salaam
            Founder of the Medical Women Association of Tanzania
              Specialist in Cerebral Manifestations of Malaria

LOCATION: S010, Tsai Auditorium, Concourse level, 1730 Cambridge St., CGIS South. Cambridge

INFORMATION: or 617 495-5265. All welcome. No tickets necessary. Reception follows lecture.

 Co-sponsored by the Harvard Initiative for Global Health


Dr. Rita M. Breen
Exec. Officer, Committee on African Studies
Exec. Director, Harvard South Africa Fellowship Program
1730 Cambridge St., Room S403
Harvard University, Cambridge, MA 02138
Ph: 617 495-5265

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