Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Redefining Chinese-ness?

dig it.

I have come across a few posts regarding China's growing influence on African affairs. So I started to wonder what influence blackness is having on Chinese popular culture beyond basketball. Check this post by blogger wrightswords. He features Lou Jing, an African-Chinese woman who is the latest sensation in the Chinese media. Lou Jing was a contestant on
Go! Oriental Angel, China's version of American Idol:

"Lou Jing doesn’t have the typical or expected Chinese features, other than speaking Chinese. In the United States, you would think or assume that the only duo of peoples who were dating 'outside of their races' (what an utterly ignorant and absurd phrase!) were black and white people."
"From news reports, China’s racism seems to be even more agonizing that North America’s. China, as with many South Asian countries, has nearly no ethnic diversity, at least as American’s understand it. If you consider this, in-depth, much of this resembles North America’s preoccupation with ethnic or image purity."

Read the entire post and listen to a long interview of Lou Jing here

Lou feels she is very much Chinese. "When I meet somebody for the first time, they'd often ask me how I can speak Chinese so well, and I tell them, 'Because I'm a Chinese — of course I can speak my mother tongue well,' " Lou says defiantly. "I don't like to be treated differently." [Source: Time] 

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