Monday, October 26, 2009

The Bio-Cultural Origins of Ancient Egypt: A Lecture by Dr. Shomarka Keita

Dig it.

"It's a trade off, more brains or more penis. You can't have everything." J. Philippe Rushton

I was actually impressed that Rageh Omaar was able to tolerate Rushton's foolishness. 

So Rageh did a decent job on a challenging topic. But turning to "environment" really does not get us very far. He gets dangerously close to reaffirming the cultural deficit model without really questioning the sociological question of white normativity, psycho-social (subconscious) racism and centuries of structural-institutional racism. And he did just an ok job on the "science" of "race."

I thought I might pass this Shomark Keita lecture along. It is a much more informed critique of race science as it relates to the "race" of the Ancient Egyptians without weighing in on the question of "intelligence."

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

[Photo: Source]

tags: rageh omaar, race, eugenics, biological anthropology, shomarka keita, j. philippe rushton

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