Thursday, October 15, 2009

toad stools

I know my intention today was just looking for spiders but when I see creatures like the lark and so on that I share my life with
I just have to share .

This is the lane by the canal that leads up to my flat the
main road into Luxor is about 10 yards from me on the other
side of the canal, all of todays photos are taken near or along
this path. from me to the far mango tree is about 2000 yds
the donkey cart is 1/4 of the way.

there were only a few dragons and even less damsels today.

and not as brightly colored as the last ones I managed to capture,

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These are growing on dried reed ever so small. they are the first toadstools I have seen here.
unlike Wales with all its damp weather.

And a skimmer with a damaged tail ,

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