Wednesday, October 7, 2009

When the Moors Ruled in Europe

dig it.

I stumbled upon this video about the Moorish occupation of Spain (711-1492 ACE). It's a fascinating account of the Islamic foundations of European science, literature (poetry and romance), architecture, mathematics and more. The video stops just short of saying the Moors/Arabs civilized Europe. Clearly, from the perspective of the producers, colonization was a good thing. Which is precisely the position of Afrocentric scholars like Ivan Van Sertima...

The video occasionally slips between words like Islamic/Moors/Arabs, but basically claims that the first wave of colonization was by African Berbers (Moors), followed by "enlightened" Arabs. Apparently many contemporary Spaniards downplay the Moorish/Arab influence on Spain. By way of contrast peep this white nationalist account of the Moorish conquest. 

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