Monday, October 5, 2009

Horrifying account of a black woman enslaved on a plantation until the 1960s (H/T Baba Ray)

This is a trailer for a startling documentary that exposes still existing slave/peonage plantations in Louisiana and Mississippi. My mom mentioned to me last year that our people were still sharecropping in Mississippi. I recall being surprised and making a mental note to investigate. 

I never did. 

But to actually see this woman who could be my momma retelling the horrific experience of being enslaved and brutalized up until the 1960s--it makes me ANGRY. 

Yet another reason why I refuse to support a president who cannot speak out forcefully on our second class status. 

A researcher details modern day plantation slavery. Until very recently, she says,  blacks and whites were enslaved on large rural plantations in rural Mississippi.

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