Saturday, April 24, 2010

Alleged Malcolm X assassin never left New Jersey and is living a comfortable life (dap Ádìsá)

We must demand that the government release every shred of evidence in this case. The possibility that one or more of Malcolm’s killers never left NJ is mind-blowing. These are very serious allegations. I support Bradley’s right to defend himself and answer to these charges. As it stands now these are just accusations. I wonder, too, why Bradley would kill Malcolm and then take the name Shabazz? Very odd. GI

See also:
The assassination of Malcolm X
Malcolm X assassin to be released
The Case Against the Nation of Islam
Malcolm X assassin granted parole

William Bradley aka Mustafa Shabazz

 Quoting Abdur-Rahman Muhammad: "Let the historical record forever reflect that the man pictured above,
 William Bradley 72 (approx.) (known today as Mustafa Shabazz) is the sawed-off shotgun assassin of Malcolm X (El Hajj Malik El Shabazz). He is the man who fired the first and deadliest shot which ripped through the chest of the powerful Black leader on that cold 21st day of February, 1965. "

Read more @ The Face of William Bradley; Shotgun Assassin of Malcolm X

tags: El Hajj Malik El-Shabazz, assassination, new jersey

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