Sunday, April 4, 2010

The things we do

The things I  have to do to get wildlife photos for you guys.  no its not a buffalo cow pat its a whole area of cow dung. this is the mud flats opposite the dollar hotels on the West Bank of Luxor the first photo  besides the one of my shoeless feet. shows you where I am. I saw a rare migrant bird heading in this direction so I followed it into the wetlands. and so pleased I was there was so many birds in this area  most I have seen and photographed before but not with my new lens,  I saw  and photographed 3  more species to add to my collection of Nile Birds. bringing the total to date to 67 and that is only here in the Luxor and outlying area of 40 kilometers  the black-winged stilts being the furthest. I saw those last week , plus another in flight flock today. as I show the photos I will give the link to that species for more photos.

Water pipit quite a few sightings today and better photos than the first sighting.

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Temminck's Stint, Calidris temminckii.

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Spur-winged plover

Grey Heron

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Collared pratincole, Glareola pratincola

Water pipit,  Anthus spinoletta.

At first sight I thought they where Larks once i put the photo on the computer  and looked in the book they are my first sightings of the pipit. I will have to go back to the area I saw them tomorrow to get better shots.

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Female yellow wagtail

Male yellow wagtail
night heron in flight

1 white egret, 2 squacco herons,   3 night herons  +  the rubbish that is littering the whole of the Nile valley.

below a different angle on the 3 night herons.

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pied kingfisher on the hunt

Little white egret

Squacco heron   all todays birds where on the west bank of Luxor on my walk along the Nile river

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