Friday, April 2, 2010

David Walker, Black Boston Freedom Fighter (c. 1796-1830)

This commemorative plaque marks the former home of my all-time favorite Freedom Fighter, David Walker, the Black Boston abolitionist (c. 1796-1830). One of the few things I like about Boston is our rich heritage of struggle there. You can download Walker's book, David Walker's Appeal and several other free liberation texts from my blog

see also:

[The plaque reads: David Walker-In 1829 published Appeal to the Colored Citizens of the World decrying American slavery, racial hatred, and summoning his fellow African Americans to resist. Possession of the Appeal was a crime in the South. A bounty was placed on him by Georgia slaveowners.]

Heritage Guild lecture honoring David Walker and Maria Stewart (Walker's brilliant protege). To view click on video below or here.

tags: black freedom movement, abolition, david walker, black boston, slavery

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