Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Rufous bush robin , cercotrichas galactotes

Rufous bush robin , cercotrichas galactotes . first sighting 12/4/10

I am sorry that my photos are only half the normal size when clicked on. this is due to upload problems now I have deleted google products such as  picasa3  and  motzilla fire fox. so many probs with the software.   its a lot more work now  but thats  nile life. 
Wasp nest  made from mud  this is on the Bank of the Nile river

Rufous bush robin ,   cercotrichas galactotes . first sighting 12/4/10

Whoopoe  with food for its chicks hidden away in the top of the papya tree.

Little white egret looks a bit wind swept.

Quite a job landing in the wind.

Still nest building even though most are now sitting some have even hatched,

Doing a spot of fishing

I give up can't fish with you looking on.

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