Thursday, April 1, 2010

village market

First load of sugar cane for my mate to see
Not sure what this sign means! maybe it means check your wheels for tyres 
the scene at luxor rail crossing  for the Tuesday local market  

Another first over the past 2 years these  motor bikes are being sold in increasing numbers they mainly have been taking the work load off the donkey. here in the area of EL-Kab  they have covered the back with material and are using them as microbus. this bus has 8 people on board 
all they have is a 150cc engine  even the phut phuts in India could only carry 2 person plus the driver.
 it seems here in Egypt they will overload anything for money just like they do the poor donkey. 
It  seems the police have cracked down on the use of Crash helmets.  all drivers of motor bikes have to use bob the builder helmets and ladies must show restraint while being transported on the back of a motorbike,

the multy coloured vehicle is another form of transport  if the interior is full they can get another five person on the back step

Monday local market in El-Kab  near Edfu Egypt 


All one needs to bake the sun bread  very crude in design and after use can be briken up and used to heat the bread oven.
Most of the stalls in this market sold spices beans and the usual dried edibles, 
the butchers  had veal  today I was a bit tempted to buy a kilo or two but the flies put me off
Veal and beef.  
The locals hourly train these trains run from Aswan to Alexandria and stop at every station making the journey 24 sometimes in the summer 28 hours. our Taxi and the pond where I took photos of the stilt,
El-kab village 

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