Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Video Shows 2007 Air Attack in Baghdad That Killed Photographer <---Stop these phony corporate wars Mr. President (dap @ bro. Cam)

(Blogger note: These are my comments from a FB thread. GI)

American wars have been mostly about advancing global white American supremacy. A black president is not going to change that brutal reality. A famous General, Major General Smedly Butler, one of the most decorated American military officers of all time, once said "war is a [corporate] racket."

I served for four years in the Marine Corps. There are a good number of military people-especially black Americans-who recognize that American global belligerence is really the crux of the matter. Patriotism need not be a cop out for not questioning the seemingly blatant disregard for standard military ops.

No place like home

I always chuckle when my fellow Americans say things like:

America is the only country I would chose to live in. for better or for worse

Or, my fav:

Kwame, if you don't like it just leave!!


Where the hell are we gonna go? American foreign policy has killed millions in Africa and Latin America. Might as well stay here and fight. And US foreign policy continues to degrade the quality of life of people of color domestically and internationally.

A Fable

If I go to your house and kill your family, steal all your belongings, then invite you my house to dine you might not want to get to comfortable because my intentions are not likely to be honorable. The American house is a house of generational horrors. It needs a serious makeover.

• Smedley Butler Wikipedia 

• War is a Racket

• What Obama would have us ignore

• How America Underdevelops Africa


April 5, 2010

Video Shows U.S. Killing of Reuters Employees

WASHINGTON — The Web site released a graphic video on Monday showing an American helicopter shooting and killing a Reuters photographer and driver in a July 2007 attack in Baghdad.

A senior American military official confirmed that the video was authentic.

Reuters had long pressed for the release of the video, which consists of 38 minutes of black-and-white aerial video and conversations between pilots in two Apache helicopters as they open fire on people on a street in Baghdad. The attack killed 12, among them the Reuters photographer, Namir Noor-Eldeen, 22, and the driver, Saeed Chmagh, 40.
Reuters employees were allowed to view the video on an off-the-record basis two weeks after the killings, but they were not allowed to obtain a copy of it. The news organization said its Freedom of Information Act requests were not approved.

At a news conference at the National Press Club, WikiLeaks said it had acquired the video from whistle-blowers in the military and viewed it after breaking the encryption code. WikiLeaks released the full 38-minute video as well as a 17-minute edited version.

Read more and view video @ Air Attack in Baghdad That Killed Photographer -

Photo: credit

tags: war on terror, iraq, friendly fire

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