Saturday, April 3, 2010

McChrystal: We've Shot 'An Amazing Number' Of Innocent Afghans (dap @ marco)

McChrystal was not speaking directly to the press, but this is still a surprisingly candid admission by a US military officer. No "collateral damage" military speak. Just the brutal facts. And to his credit he is trying to remedy the problem. The only real solution is for our Commander in Chief, Barack Obama, to stop these senseless, phony corporate sponsored wars. GI

See also:

Half the Congressional Black Caucus Votes For More Afghan War
Stones, Bombs, and Planes: A Tale of Two Barbarisms


As reported in the New York Times last week, a significant number of innocent Afghans continue to be killed by US and NATO forces despite new rules issued by Gen. Stanley McChrystal meant to help reduce civilian casualties. Indeed, the number of Afghans who have been killed or hurt by troop shootings at convoys and military checkpoints has basically remained the same since McChrystal announced his directives.
"We have shot an amazing number of people, but to my knowledge, none has ever proven to be a threat," said McChrystal during a recent video-conference with troops, the Times reported.
Talking Points Memo has obtained a longer transcript of McChrystal's statements, which you can read in full here.
McChrystal spokesman Tadd Sholtis tried to place the general's comments in context in an email to TPM: "The general was urging his forces to exercise courageous restraint (by suggesting that it is unlikely that erratic behavior at a checkpoint constitutes a threat) while also expressing sympathy for the confusing and threatening situations in which both soldiers and Afghans find themselves" Sholtis wrote.
Read more @Huffington Post

tags: afghanistan, war, imperialism, war on terror

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