Sunday, April 4, 2010

Pause: 42nd anniversary of the assassination of Civil Rights Leader, the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr

[I pinched this from blogger Jesse Muhammad. GI]

Rather this is just a blog of gratitude for his sacrifice and the sacrifices of his late wife Coretta Scott King and their children. When I was a student at Fonwood Elementary, I remember us only talking about Dr. King during Black History Month when we would do short reenactments of moments during the civil rights movement era. It was during that time we only quoted the "I Have A Dream" speech, so naturally we only saw him as that--"The Dreamer".

But as I got older and read more, I saw Dr. King as more than a dreamer. He was a community soldier and in his last years he began to speak truth to power that disturbed the leaders of the United States at the time.

Read more @ 42nd anniversary of the assassination of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr

tags: martin luther king jr., assassination, civil rights, southern United States, coretta scott king

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