Sunday, April 4, 2010

Reimagine, Redefine, Reinvent: A New Paradigm for Africa’s Leaders Africa Focus at Harvard – April 5th -18th 2010

Harvard Africa Focus (formerly “Africa Week”) is a two-week long celebration of Africa at the Harvard University.   A variety of events are planned to raise awareness about African culture and the economic, health, and policy concerns of the continent.   This year, there will be panel discussions at the Harvard Kennedy School, an education conference at the Harvard Graduate School of Education, a talk at the Harvard Medical School and the Harvard School of Public Health, an African Law and Development Conference at the Harvard Law School, and Africa Night (a night of entertainment) at the Harvard College. Events are open to everyone.

Keynote Speakers:

Harvard Kennedy School

Ambassador Johnnie Carson 

United States Assistant Secretary of State, Africa

Governor Babatunde Fashola

Governor of Lagos

School of Education

Dr. Mary Mendenhall Teachers College, Columbia University

Harvard Medical School & School of Public Health

Dr. Fynn-Thompson, MD


Harvard African Law and Development Conference

Jeffrey D. Sachs
Director, The Earth Institute at Columbia
Dr. Sonia Sachs
The Earth Institute at Columbia
Obiageli Ezekwesili
Vice-President for World Bank Africa Region

Conference website @ Africa focus

tags: harvard university, conference

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