Friday, April 2, 2010

Having a tantrum.

Today's  walk took me along the Nile River on  the West bank of Luxor
first thing I encountered was this woman   with her hand out for money. every tooth in her mouth was gold.
and so was her language on my refusal of giving such a wealthy woman any of my money. she had a tantrum I wonder if that's what she does when her husband Abdul  refuses to give her money.  she then pointed to a makeshift hut made of reed  as if to say look where I have to live,  she lives in a house made of concrete next to the mosque in Esba,   A village next to where I lived for five years.
This tiny flowered weed grows everywhere in the corn
The Nile river and land  looking towards  Aswan.
A lone sunflower in a field of ripe corn.  the fields are full of different kinds of birds  some I managed to get a photo of are on

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