Wednesday, March 17, 2010

African Success Stories

Posted by the ghetto intellectual on 3/17/2010
Dig it! 

Are you tired of all of doom and gloom stories about Africa? Check out these African success stories compiled by Shanta Devarajan, World Bank Chief Economist for Africa. This was written in August 2009 but I think it's still useful. GI

See also:

Good News from Ghana
Africa the Good News
Africa Rising
New news out of Africa: uncovering Africa's Renaissance
I am an African
Amid Global Gloom, Good News from Africa

by Shanta Devarajan

In recent years, a broad swath of African countries has begun to show a remarkable dynamism.  From Mozambique’s impressive growth rate (averaging 8% p.a. for more than a decade) to Kenya’s emergence as a major global supplier of cut flowers, from M-pesa’s mobile phone-based cash transfers to KickStart’s low-cost irrigation technology for small-holder farmers, and from Rwanda’s gorilla tourism to Lagos City’s Bus Rapid Transit system, Africa is seeing a dramatic transformation.  This favorable trend is spurred by, among other things, stronger leadership, better governance, an improving business climate, innovation, market-based solutions, a more involved citizenry, and an increasing reliance on home-grown solutions.  More and more, Africans are driving African development. 

The global economic crisis of 2008-09 threatens to undermine the optimism that Africa can harness this dynamism for long-lasting development.  In light of this, it might be useful to re-visit recent achievements.  The African Successes study aims to do just that.

List of African successes

Tags: african renaissance

[Photo: Source]

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