Saturday, March 27, 2010

Palm Sunday

This  what i think is some kind of mosque is built on the narrowest piece of land possible in the Centre of the old part of Luxor town its about 4ftx4ft, 

this mosque is on the main bus route through town not sure why they have a road checkpoint police tower next to it. but they do rather strange things here in Egypt. 
The rear of the new  build Coptic Church as seen from the railway line in Luxor.

Palm fronds these are being sold  for Palm sunday  as its a big event in the Coptic callender.
I may go to the church tomorrow see  why they sell the fronds.  knowing the copts  maybe they put it down for the baba to walk on,  would not surprise me they put more emphasis on prayer to Mary  than the savior.
 but saying that they have a very strong faith. after all they put up with from the Muslim in this country,
 and Copts were here a few hundred years before.
Copts are Egyptians whose ancestors embraced Christianity in the first centuries after Christ.

One week ago in the this Coptic Church  the second building in the frame.
the Priest was forcibly removed  from his office and dragged downstairs by the secret police  the bully boys of the guvorner of Luxor Dr Samir Fawak. the priests wife was molested.   this was done in front of several witnesses  of whome some took photos  the police confiscated every camera and mobile phone within seeing distance. and took all the films and sim cards away.   a bit like Adolf Hitlers Nazi tactics in ww11.
The reason ?  they want the Church down to continue the work on the 50 million dollar  avenue of the Spinx
and yet they have refurbished the Mosque  that sits on the  stone walls of the Luxor Temple. this place had a convenient fire in 2006 .  and the Luxor City council allocated American aid for it to be updated??

The  Mosque was dedicated to the first Muslim in Luxor,   Looks real nice now  especially electrically lit up at night not with candles as it would have been for centuries  a few years after  they put electric in  it caught fire.

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