Sunday, March 7, 2010

Pan-African News Wire: Ghana @ 53

Ghana Celebrates 53 Years of Independence

China congratulates Ghana on Independence

March 05, 2010

Accra, March 5, GNA - President Hu Jintao has on behalf of the Government and People of the People's Republic of China extended warm congratulations and best wishes to the President, Government and People of Ghana on the occasion of the 53rd anniversary of their independence.

President Hu in a release from the Embassy of the People's Republic of China in Accra on Friday said, over the years Ghana has made remarkable achievements in various fields in pursuit of her national development agenda; enjoyed political stability; sustainable economic development for many years and played a positive role in safeguarding peace in Africa.

He commended Ghana for properly addressing the challenges of the international financial crisis last year and achieving positive results in stabilizing the economy, maintaining social stability and improving the livelihood of the people.

It said China cherished its traditional friendship with Ghana, which "is currently in good momentum", adding that this year also marked the 50th anniversary of the diplomatic relations between the two countries, and "China is willing, in joint effort with Ghana to vigorously put new impetus to the China-Ghana friendship".

The Independence of Ghana Is Still Meaningless Unless...

On the eve of independence, some 53 years ago, Dr. Nkrumah made one of the most inspirational speeches known in African and World politics. The speech is usually remembered for ‘the often referred to’ statement, “the independence of Ghana is meaningless unless it is linked up to the total liberation of Africa”.

This statement was true and relevant at the time it was made and is even more relevant in modern times albeit in a different context. Nkrumah had a blueprint for a united Africa and took steps to ensure that the foregoing statement became a reality.

Although some of the steps he took towards achieving a united Africa were criticised, the man went to the extent of getting married to a non Ghanaian to demonstrate his commitment to this cause. I strongly believe when Nkrumah made that statement he was referring to the political and economic independence of Africa.

Read entire essay here. 

tags: african union, ghana, kwame nkrumah, pan-African

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