Thursday, March 11, 2010

Lifelines - African proverbs for daily living: Travelin' with Harriet (c. 1820-1913)

Posted by the Ghetto Intellectual on 3/11/2010

Harriet Tubman 
Bronze Sculpture
Jane DeDecker, 1997



i found the shirt i have with her name on the back. Harriet. The shirt i wore when i ran the marathon. 26.2 miles. When you run a marathon, everyone, thousands of people stand on the sidelines and cheer. These people call your name. i knew if someone, if anyone called me Harriet, i could and would keep going. i knew hearing her name would keep me keeping on. With her name on my back, i would not quit. i kept heading north or south or in whatever direction i was going in. Who knows after more than 11 miles, 17, 21? Harriet knew.

Harriet is a 26.2-mile woman. A 30-mile woman. A thousand mile woman.

She is beautiful to me.

Read entire post @ Lifelines - African proverbs for daily living: Travelin' with Harriet

tags: sheroes, Harriet Tubman, slavery, abolition, resistance

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