Monday, March 1, 2010

White Pathology 101: JSU Lynching Exhibit

In the US, there were an estimated 4,742 black women, children, and men lynched between 1882 and 1968.  One black commentator from Mississippi noted bitterly that “Back in those days, to kill a Negro wasn’t nothing.  It was like killing a chicken or killing a snake.  The whites would say, ‘Niggers jest supposed to die, ain’t no damn good anyway—so jest go on an’ kill ‘em’” 
(Source: Litwack page 12

See also:

Without Sanctuary
What Obama will not tell you. How white America undermined Black self determination
Lynch law in Georgia: Report by Ida B. Wells 
Jackson Advocate official Website

To read article JSU Lynching Exhibit go to the Jackson Advocate

3/3/2010 Update 1: The Jackson advocate, Mississippi's oldest newspaper, was founded in 1938 by Percy Green. After Mr. Green's death in 1997, the paper was run by Charles Tisdale (1977-2007). Mr. Tisdale died in 2007. The JA is now published my Tisdale's wife Alice Tisdale. See Jackson Advocate official website here. (Thanks to sis. Wanda for sending this article)

tags: lynching, media, terrorism, war on black people, white supremacy

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