Saturday, March 20, 2010

West bank Luxor, Birds on one of the canals

Striated Heron on the canal.

I only managed to get 3 shots of the same bird last year. Today I saw several along one of the canals this is one of the smallest of the herons. according to my bird book  it does not often come to this area.

  I managed to get a shot of  2. with the new 100x400 ef lens. from the first shot you can almost see how small it is  as its next to a discarded child's shoe


This is an uncut shot  to show one next to a liter water bottle , and how much rubbish is in the canals,
Looks like its day dreaming of a nice clean canal loaded with fish. 

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4 yards from  the heron I saw this large lizard  with a baby duck in its jaws.  both are about 50 yds away.
 notice the markings. not sure of its breed  could be a monitor ?

The cattle egret 

The little white egret and  a cattle egret. 

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The Hoopoe bird , upupa epops,   busy digging for a grub.

So So busy  it was not bothered how close I was  

.I know this bee on the Aniseed plant.should be on  insectsonwings , its the only macro shot I took today so its on here. and that's that.
this bunch of Aniseed is growing wild by the farm yard most likely it was never picked last year and the plant has self seeded, just a few yards from here there was a whole field of it almost ready for harvest, was tempted to ask the farmer for a few stems for drying  in my kitchen. it grows all the year here so I can have it fresh for the cooking pot  and tea,

Skint  looking if there is water in the canal

The little egret two busy fishing to notice me,   see how white it is compared to the ones who look for food in the polluted Nile, 
Three barn swallows taking a rest  

Two far across the canal to get a good shot of the Nile valley sun bird taking nectar from the banana flower
not seen one do this before,

As the canal narrows  the have a bottle bank 

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