Friday, March 26, 2010

Luxor Temple, Views from my roof balcony

The Nile at 5.30 in the afternoon.
Direct from my roof there is the Luxor Temple with the  obelisk,    the other obelisk is in Paris 
sundown over the Nile and the Temple 
The roof pigeons these spend most of their day  sitting on the Temple walls  

the young kestrel  that was hatched in the Mosque near the temple its parents are on . 
A rather wind swept Hooded crow on the sat dish, 
looking down on Karnak street  a horse delivering food to the calash horses. 

the table my kind  landlord left in my  flat  is still on the stairs its been there for 2 months and it will be there for the foreseeable future,
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Then he wonders why we have rats running around the place.

there are only 5 hens up on the roof and the 20 pigeons do not like stale bread in a lump.
Looking down on hassle street   the carriage drivers trying to convince the tourist luxor market is far away  in fact its 50 yards away behind my block.
How many sales men does it take to sell rubbish papyrus.   well eight today  and the number is steadily growing,  
The old house across the lane  with its load of rubbish
 Egyptians it seems are hoarders of rubbish   
 The turtle doves are nesting somewhere near my roof  one lot has already had its  fledgelings .

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