Saturday, March 20, 2010

West bank, Luxor, Egypt

I got up very early this morning,  no real reason but something I do not often do,    as I was making a cup of tea  I noticed the sky was a pink glow, so got dressed to take some photos  from my roof balcony problem is we are not the highest house in this area , the shots are restricted to one area and always have the new belfry towers of the new build Church or the mosque minaret in the view, so I went back to my humble flat to get dressed to go out. ( will not do to go Out and about in ones underpants)  to take shots from near the Nile. so today I am going to show you what I saw of God's amazing creation, because I feel he woke me up especially to see it,
the view on leaving my home. with the new dig Avenue of the sphinx on my right.

looking back again as I decided I was going on the Nile River Itself if the ferry boat was waiting.

And another shot of the sky back to my home and over the Temple of Luxor  sun rise will be to the left in the next but one frame..

and again the same shot but half way across the Nile
 sun up over Medinet Habu Temple

The 3 new ferries that are used from 6.00till 24.00  to ferry people and goods from the East to the west bank across the Nile in Luxor Egypt 
One of the patrol boats  and the old night ferry coming in . 
%.35  and already people are off to work  

A full view with my pocket olympus camera. 

and again  after landing on the west Bank.   before I got in a minibus to my destination  I had decided to go to see my friend at the Temple of Medinet Habu,     and what is Medinet Habu.


Pigeons basking on the first pylon at Habu Temple 
looking across the new dig to control the rise in the water table this water is then pumped into the irrigation canals. 

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breakfast  fool ( hot beans)  being delivered  1/2 kilo is 1 egp. 

The tower from which the plot to kill a pharaoh took place, 

A new pigeon house has been built next to the temple to try and stop the pigeons sitting on the walls  we all know what pigeons no  after eating. same as we all do  but they do it on the Temple walls.   no I never said written on the walls.
looking  behind the Temple towards the last remaining houses of the tomb robers  the village has been emptied of its inhabitants, and some say it will stay as a museum some of these houses date back to the first tomb robbers. 
looking towards the Tombs of the nobles area and the Valley of the Kings. 

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      This one made me laugh !   reminds me of  Gran   when dementia set in,  she thought she was an angel ( which she was)
Thought Bop her husband of 75 years  was a famous footballer because football was the only sport he watched on TV.   that mans got a big head  keeps looking at himself on tv.   Bop was almost 100. dementia is something that can and does happen to most of us.

Two elderly couples were enjoying friendly conversation when one of the men asked the other," Fred, how was the memory clinic you went to last month?" "Outstanding," Fred replied. "They taught us all the latest psychological techniques: visualization, association, etc. It was great." "That's great! And what was the name of the clinic?" Fred went blank. He thought and thought, but couldn't remember. Then a smile broke across his face and he asked, "What do you call that flower with the long stem and thorns?"
"You mean a rose?"
"Yes, that's it!" He turned to his wife, "Rose, what was the name of that memory clinic?"

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