Sunday, March 21, 2010

West bank Luxor,farms & Working camel

Water buffalo calf  2 days old.
calf 2 months old
Milking buffalo 
ewe looking rather sheepish. waiting for ramadan
goats the pen is made from date palm frons
The sacking type material from the trunk of the date tree is used for making brushes and used as a cloth for washing.
the male date tree  the white/yellow stems when in flower will be cut and used to pollinate the female date palms usually by climbing the tree and doing it by hand. 

Mud bricks  are still widely used here they will be left to dry and bake in the sun for a week then used to build walls.
usually the bricks are much better made than these  

Poor donkey they work it to death then give it a cut like that.

and the flies are still here.


irrigation channel across the canal, 

Most of the farm animals are kept near the lanes. making it awkward sometimes to walk through.
 not sure if it was to hot today but I never got stopped once for money.  only mad dogs and even madder Welshmen go out in the midday sun.  or something like that from the 1931 Noël Coward song.

Sugar cane  is now in cropping season

once the field is cleared of the cane  and the green  leaves used for fodder the rest is burnt on the ground  once its burnt they flood the field and the new crop will grow,  sugar can has a four season cut and  grow. then its plowed in and a new crop will be planted.
this is the way they cook what is known as fool. its a mixture of beans and spices and used as a morning meal with  falafel. flat bread,   the fire does not usually go out  the pot is taken off the fire after its cooked over night, and replaced with the next days cooking pot.

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