Tuesday, March 23, 2010

market day in Luxor Egypt

Today I decided to go for a walk in the opposite direction to the Nile. out towards the sugar cane fields  to see the area they have fires each morning.  100 yards from my home there is the railway  the main line from Aswan to Cairo  and the first photo is from the line over looking the new Luxor by pass road.  first I thought there was a funeral  seeing a mass of black garments,

Today its market day in Luxor city  here all the farmers wife's from the east bank come to sell whatever'
so no more comments  enjoy the scene at 8.00  on a Tuesday morning  and held  every Tuesday.

salted spiced fish

Aylsbury ducks 
Muskovey    duck/ goose 
Aylsbury ducks 

Garlic by the ton 

that's it  and I am heading out to see whats around the next corner I love the market and did my buying first thing this morning - camera ,  but I did buy  an orange from this guy  they looked so nice and fresh and it was.
I know I have blogged on the sugar before, so I will bring it forward and put a few of today's photos on. so call in tomorrow,    the birds and other widlife from today's walk are on  http://egyptswildlife2.blogspot.com/
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