Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Haitian Led Reconstruction & Development

See also:

What You Can Do.

US-led Haiti disaster relief is a disaster for many. Support Haitian-led relief efforts.

Our Belligerent Government is Already Massaging its Haiti Message...

A compilation of recommendation documents from several Haitian civil society and diaspora conferences, organizations and coalitions.

March 29, 2010

Below are common strategy points as well as process guidelines that are raised in multiple documents, both for immediate relief efforts and long-term reconstruction and development efforts:


•  Provide locally or regionally produced emergency food aid with coordinated and equitable distribution
in both urban and rural areas of need.

•  Preparation for the imminent planting season by the procurement and purchase of tools and culturally
appropriate seeds, as well as by providing agricultural training for displaced persons.

•  Support for shelter and temporary housing for internally displaced people, including adequate food,
clean water, appropriate shelter for the rain season, medical services and psycho-social support.

•  Protection of human rights of especially vulnerable populations, such as women, children, displaced persons and people with disabilities, including security strategies to prevent gender based violence, documentation of human rights abuses, and provision of universal, non-discriminatory access to support and resources.

    Read more @ Haitian Led Reconstruction & Development

    tags: haiti, NGO, relief effort, earthquake

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